Posts by Stan McCune

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  1. Cathy stidham on Success!

Should I sell my house in an election year?

To sell your house in an election year or not to sell – that is the question. And it’s actually a very common question. Here[…]

What happens when no one wants to buy my house?

Upstate House Buyers is frequently contacted by people all over the Upstate (and sometimes elsewhere in SC) who are trying to sell their homes. Usually, however,[…]

Should I sell my home on Craigslist?

Craigslist is an easy, inexpensive way to sell a lot of things, from old furniture to used cars. But what about houses? There are four questions[…]

Help – I just got slapped with a HUGE non-resident fee!

There are two things we can always be assured will exist so long as humanity exists – death and taxes. Over the years, the government[…]

Does only having one bathroom hurt my home value?

When people are looking to buy a home, there are a three pieces of information they always want to know: how much square footage there is,[…]

How Much is My House Worth?

We all want to know how much our home is worth. There is a reason why home value websites, such as Zillow, are so popular.[…]

How accurate is Zillow?

In real estate, the million (actually, more like billion) dollar question is this: how much is my house worth? Sites have popped up all over[…]

10 ways to avoid being scammed when selling your house

Oftentimes, people who are trying to sell their house are desperate. Very few of us are in a position where it’s fine for our house[…]

What happens if I foreclose on my mortgage?

Foreclosure isn’t fun for anyone. Having creditors call you and show up on your doorstep to tell you that you may lose your house is[…]

When is the right time to sell my house?

Determining when is the best time to sell a house can be a tricky thing to do, but there are a few times when it[…]