Posts about Tips for Selling a House

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  1. Cathy stidham on Success!

How Much is My House Worth?

We all want to know how much our home is worth. There is a reason why home value websites, such as Zillow, are so popular.[…]

How accurate is Zillow?

In real estate, the million (actually, more like billion) dollar question is this: how much is my house worth? Sites have popped up all over[…]

10 ways to avoid being scammed when selling your house

Oftentimes, people who are trying to sell their house are desperate. Very few of us are in a position where it’s fine for our house[…]

What happens if I foreclose on my mortgage?

Foreclosure isn’t fun for anyone. Having creditors call you and show up on your doorstep to tell you that you may lose your house is[…]

When is the right time to sell my house?

Determining when is the best time to sell a house can be a tricky thing to do, but there are a few times when it[…]